HOME CompanyTerms of use

Terms of use




https://www.sefer-hellas.com/ has the ability to use cookies as part of the facilitation and operation of services through its website. Cookies are small files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user's computer, allowing websites such as sefer-hellas.com, to operate smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user choices, to identify frequent users, to facilitate their access to it, and to collect data to improve the content of the website. Cookies do not cause damage to users' computers or to the files stored on them. We use cookies to provide you with information and to process your orders and they are automatically deleted each time you leave the site. You should be aware that cookies are absolutely necessary in order for https://www.sefer-hellas.com/ to function properly and seamlessly.

On this website we use cookies, small text files containing information about your navigation on the website, whose main purpose is to improve your experience as a user of our website.

Information about cookies

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that the website installs on your computer, phone or any other device, with information about your browsing on this website. Cookies are necessary because they make browsing easier and friendlier without harming your computer.

Although in this policy the generic term cookies is used by the website as the main method of storing information, the browser's "Local Storage" is used for the same purposes as cookies; in this sense, all the information contained in this section also applies to this "Local Storage".

What are cookies used for on this website?
Cookies are an essential factor in the way our website works. The main purpose that our cookies have is to improve your browsing experience. For example, cookies help us to remember your preferences (language, country, etc.) during browsing and on future visits.

The information gathered in cookies allows, among other things, to improve the website by evaluating usage numbers and patterns, tailoring the website to the individual interests of users, improved speed of searches, etc.

In some cases, with your prior consent, we may use cookies, tags or other similar systems to obtain information that allows us to show you from our website or third-party websites, or from any other medium,advertisements based on the analysis of your browsing habits.

For what purposes are cookies NOT used on this site?
We do not store sensitive, personally identifiable information such as your address, password, credit or debit card details, etc. in the cookies we use.

Who uses the information stored in the cookies?
The information stored in our website cookies is used exclusively by us, with the exception of what will be identified below as "third party cookies", which are used and managed by external companies to provide us with services we request to improve the services and user experience when browsing our website. The main services for those who use these third-party cookies are to obtain access statistics and to guarantee the payment transactions made.

How can I avoid the use of cookies on this site?
If you prefer to avoid the use of cookies on this site taking into account the above restrictions, you must first disable the use of cookies in your browser and then delete the cookies stored in your browser that are associated with this site.

You can use this option to avoid the use of cookies at any time.

How can I deactivate and delete the use of cookies?
To restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, you can, at any time, modify your browser settings according to the rules we indicate below.

Although each browser's configuration is different, cookies are usually set from the Preferences or Tools menu. For more details on setting cookies in your browser, consult your browser's Help menu.





Privacy Policy:



The use of our company's website provided to the visitor by visiting it, implies his/her unconditional agreement with the Privacy Policy on the Protection of Personal Data of this website. Therefore, the visitor must carefully read the contents of this page before using the services of our website.

This privacy policy may change according to the legislation. We will not explicitly inform users of our website of these changes. Instead, we encourage you to check this page occasionally for any changes to this privacy policy. Your continued use of the website even after any changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes your unconditional acceptance of these terms.

Terms of Use:



The visitor. of the website accepts and consents to these terms of use, which apply to the entire content of our website. If he/she does not agree, then he/she must not use the services and content of the website.

Website traffic monitoring:

Our organization, through the use of our website by users, collects and uses personal information to monitor user activity within our website and only within our website.
We use this data to determine the number of people who use our website, to better understand how they find and use our website, to see their path through it, and to understand which parts of our website are considered most interesting.

Hyperlinks to other websites:

Our organization does not control the content and privacy policies of other websites to which we link using hyperlinks. Therefore, for any problem encountered when visiting these websites, you should contact directly the respective managers of those websites, who are responsible for the provision of their services. Our organisation can under no circumstances be considered to endorse or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it links or to be associated with them in any other way.

The above privacy policy and the terms of use of our website are perfectly legal, following the Regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR).

If you experience any problem with the content of this website, legal or ethical, or if you believe that there is a problem with these terms of use and our privacy policy, please contact us by email: info@sefer-hellas.com.